Changes in version 2.0.4 - Added support for other German tablature dialects. Besides the Newsidler's style, the Jundenkunig and Gerle styles are now available. - Added a new command in the Edit menu to put automatically a rhythmic sign over every chord for some rhythmic symbol styles. In this way it is a lot easier to enter some early Renaissance music. - The "Rebeam Notes" command works now also on tablature for some rhythmic symbol styles. It will create the grids typical of English tablatures according to the meter signature of the piece. Changes in version 2.0.5 - Now most of the options applies to the current section and not to the whole document. In this way, for example, it will be possible to have sections in French tab mixed to sections in Italian tab in the same document. Due to this I've also rearranged and simplified some of the option pages. - Now it is possible to select a specific font for lyrics. Before the font was the one used for notes. - Some more measure ending bars has been added. - There is now a new staff attribute to be applied to continuo staves. When this attribute is on, the Lyrics page in the Note Attributes dialog box is substituted by a Continuo page. A new font (continuo.ttf) is provided. It contains three ciphers sets to be used with the three mensural note styles. - A new option to have staves at the same height on the different pages of a document has been added to the Print Option dialog box. - Multiple copies are available for all printers now. - The alignment code has been almost rewritten. It now works better with triplets. - A new option has been added to the MIDI Option dialog box for selecting MIDI bank. - Various bug fixes. Changes in version 2.0.6 - Now it is possible to have different keys for different staves of a system. This will allow the user to write down transcriptions for different instruments (eg. piano, guitar etc.). - *Many* bug fixes. Changes in version 2.0.7 - Added some keyboard shortcuts to enter the most common tablature ornaments. - Added a new tremolo sign for mensural notation. - Now it is possible to insert the content of other Fronimo files inside an open document. - Now it is possible to change the order of sections inside a document. - Bug fixes as usual. Changes in version 2.0.8 - Added a command to extract parts in the File menu. - Added a command to clean the unnecessary tablature rythmic signs. - Now, if there is a single pause inside a standard notation measure (style #3), it will be printed as a whole pause and will be moved in the midst of the measure by the alignment routine. - Now the Verify Bar Lenght command, checks the bar length against the meter signature, beside verifying that the same measure on different staves has the same length. - Bug fixes. Changes in version 2.0.9 - Added left and right square brackets in the Slur page of the Note Options box to help marking the editorial amendments - Lyrics words are now taken into account by the align routine: no more words ovelapping. - Added support for numbered editorial notes. It's now possible to add a reference in measure and the relative text and the program will print them as a footnote, page by page or all at once at the end of the section. It will also automatically number them. - Bug fixes again Changes in version 2.1 - A new install program and licensing system (2.0.x users please ask for the new code!) - The menu and toolbars have been reworked. Now the menu bar can be moved and undocked and menus and toolbars can be completely customised. You can create new toolbars as well as new menus and you can reconfigure your keyboard by assigning your own accelerator keys to every Fronimo command. Flat button look and optional Office2000 menu functionality have been added. - A new customizable context menu pops up by clicking the right mouse button in the edit window. To select a measure you must use Ctrl+LeftClick now. You can put the most frequently used commands in this menu for a faster access. - It's possible to assign a command to the double left click. - The playback window has been substituted by a simpler toolbar with the standard three tape recorder style buttons. A button for bringing up the MIDI options dialog box has been provided too. - Discontinued Win3.1 support. - Removed the command to save tablature in Fronimo 1.4 format. - A few bug fixes Changes in version 3.0 - Added support for WinXP desktop styles - MIDI file import in tablature and notation. A new command to move notes from a layer to another is provided in order to fix MIDI import errors - Transposition of tablature in different keys and tunings - Automatic transcription from tablature to notation and from notation to tablature - All the spacing system has been rewritten for a simple and better alignment following the modern standards - Added full page editing mode - Added automatic generation of table of contents - Added preface and postscript with editing features as in WordPad but extended. It is possible to embed pictures and other objects inside the text - Added advanced editing feature for text in front and at the end of each section - Added advanced editing feature to design a cover page for the whole document - Added a command to save the selected measures on the clipboard for a fast embedding in other documents - Added the possibility to embed Fronimo objects inside other document formats and to edit those objects in place - Lyrics are now edited on page - It is now possible to add a picture in front of staves - Reworked the way the page layout is modified. Now the user can move the measures from one system to another and the choice is always preserved, unless extreme cases as page format changes and similar happens or until the user chooses to reset the default - Added two commands to set the number of systems per page or to space them evenly in the page - Changed the way the printer preferences and page margins are changed - Added a command to put a flag on the first tablature sign of each measure - Substituted the Edit Font of the Options menu with a simpler couple of zoom button on the main toolbar - Custom fonts are now more compatible with the TrueType standard and have been expanded and revised - Now the flourish and the meter signs are in the same style of the custom fonts - Rearranged the options in the dialog boxes in a more logical way. Added two shortcuts to the most used option pages - A better, visual way, to select flag styles and staves' group brackets - Added a command to set the equivalence between the tablature flags and their mensural value - Added a new text box, named "subtitle", that will be printed under the main piece title, with its own font - Added new meter signs for renaissance music - The position of measure text can now be set relatively to the left measure bar or to any chord or note inside it. - The font of the measure text can be changed for each string added - Slashes, pins and brackets can now be put on the page more accurately and the position of both their extremes can be changed later - A new way to move inside a document with many sections through a set of labels at the bottom of the edit window, one per section. Also there is a new command to go to a specific section - More keyboard shortcuts - A new HTML style help file. Help boxes can be shown for each dialog box control right clicking on it. - Many options are now specific of each sections and most of them can be applied at once to all the sections in a document - A lot of new predefined instrument tunings - Many other smaller improvements here and there